When I downloaded the pictures from our camera I was surprised to see that there were 145 pictures on the chip when I knew I had only took a few pics since last time I deleted the camera chip. Then I remembered yesterday I let Annah take some pics witht the camera and I guess she really got into it. She took pics of various items and people. Here are a few samples of her photography : )
We had a nice Christmas. This year we deliberatly planned to have a quieter Christmas since we did not know if baby #4 would show up during this time or not (obviously did not :). While I like lots of people and holiday bustle around Christmas it worked out nicer then I thought. The children had a great time too. Here are some photos of them opeing their gifts Christmas morining.
Overall it was a very enjoyable Christmas. I hope all of you did too!
On another note sometimes this past week or two I feel like people are regarding me a ticking bomb ready to go off or something :) Even if they do not ask, the unspoken question is "No baby yet?" Nope, no baby yet :)= All along I have not been sure of the exact dates since due to breastfeeding my cycle was not regular when I conceived. All along I have known it would be Dec or Jan and at this point looks like it could be Jan. 2012 is a good year, right? Anyway aside from being a little impatient, I am feeling really well. Not even any swollen feet or backache, just sore ribs where the baby likes to kick me. This could possibly be my most active baby yet. Any guesses as to whether it is a girl or boy? I will certainly let everyone know when he/she makes their debut. No worries, it will happen!