Friday, July 13, 2012

Gotta move it!

I can hardly believe my baby is six months now! He is such a happy, busy little man. He is all smiles (and sometimes drool and spit)and excitedly kicks his feet when anyone talks to him. He is moving around at a younger age then any of my other babies. He can now crawl from room to room and sit up very well for 10 + min. He pulls himself into a sitting position and is now working on pulling himself up to a standing position- a feat he can master with low furniture. He lights up when he sees his siblings and loves to play on the floor with them. He is a chunky monkey weighing in at about 23 pounds. He also loves to snuggle when he is tired and it is so sweet when he lays there nursing and looks at me with his big brown eyes. Yesterday we were bunny-sitting and we had two bunnies in a child's wading pool on the kitchen floor. Isaac puled himself up to the side of the pool and as a bunny would go in front of him he would lunge at it with his mouth open. LOL, maybe he was hungry? Anyways he is a great blessing to our family as all children are :)

Thursday, July 5, 2012

Good-bye Wheat Part 2

So we have been wheat and gluten-free for almost two months now. Actually it has been about a year since Tim went off gluten and as a result we have all had less wheat in general for quite awhile now. Overall I feel healthier and like I have better mental clarity and more energy (usually). A big thing I do notice is that I do not need to snack as often. With high glycemic foods like wheat, after consuming them many people get a burst of energy or "feel good" as the wheat breaks down into sugars quite quickly creating a sugar high.But about two hours later when all the excess sugar has gone down, you can feel tired and in need of another "boost so you eat more simple carbs and the cycle continues (which can be very hard on your body and eventually in some poeple led to diseases like obesity and diabetes). If you asked me before I went off all gluten and high glycemic foods (like sugar, wheat, white rice, most processed carbs, ect)I would have said I was not caught up in this cycle. But now that I am off it I see I was. If I am out somewhere and I "cheat" and eat wheat I still feel fine so that is nice for the odd treat. Tim and Samuel only eat gluten-free though. Another huge positive about this diet is that we are eating healthier. Since we are not filling up on grains we are eating way more veggies and more healthy protein and healthy fats. Now that it is summer we are eating out of our garden and buying local, organic produce. Every week we also get a CSA box full of local produce from a local farm. We also got some grass fed, local beef and lamb. I find it easier and cheaper to eat healthy, local, organic food in the summertime :) So if we do not eat bread, pasta, breakfast cereals, crackers, donuts, or any processed food what do we eat? Well I am finding it is getting easier. Here is a sample of a couple days for anyone who is curious. :) Tuesday: Breakfast- Eggs (From our chickens :) and a smoothie (mango, spinach, coconut oil, banana) Lunch- Baby carrots, cheese, walnuts, oranges.(Tim takes leftovers from the night before.) Snack- Strawberries, freezies (lol, I know :) Supper- Spagetti squeash with sauce and meatballs, salad. Wednesday: Breakfast- Same as above. Lunch- Potluck at beach with friends. Supper- Steak, sauteed beat greens and mushrooms, steamed broccoli, strawberries with whipped cream. Thursday: Breakfast- Chocolate Chia seed cereal. (see here ) Lunch- Salmon spread (made with canned salmon, grted carrot, mayo) on flax seed crackers, baby carrots. Snack- Plums. Supper- Meatloaf, beets, baked sweet potato. And yes, my children ate and enjoyed everything except the sauteed beet greens. I am seeing that the more variety of veggies I serve the more they grow to like them. Anyway I am tired of writing about food. As a side note now that we are eating like this I feel full in the evening and do not need evening snacks. Ok, very strange when I publish this post it is not posting in paragraphs like I typed it out in- just puts it in one big blurb. Sorry about that but I do ot know what to do about it.