We had a busy day here around the house. Everyday is different but I thought I would post some pictures to show how our day went today. The day started off with the two older children piling into our bed for "snuggling" but they soon got too rambunctious for that so we all got up. After breakfast we (the children and I- Tim went to work) worked a bit on the chicken coop we are building. Annah and Josiah are really getting to be very good helpers as you can see. We are going to be getting three "backyard" chickens.
For the rest of the morning I watched a friend's two children. The children all had fun painting, having a snack of fruit, playing outside, playing dominos and jumping on the mattress that we have in the living room at the moment. After a lunch of pita pizzas the other children left and we had a rest time. Samuel was especially worn out after all that fun.
We then went with Tim to Shediac where he had to do some bussiness. After we all went out for ice cream which J and A loved! After getting some groceries we came home. Annah very helpfully put a large part of the groceries away while Samuel scoped out what was in the bags. Josiah spent some time outside riding his "bike". After supper, we had stories, got ready for bed and now they are all soundly asleep. Before he want to sleep Josiah asked "What are our plans for tomorrow?"
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