With all the sun and new greeness everywhere outside I was eager to eat some tender spring plants. But nothing is growing in my gardens yet. But the lawn if full of greeness so I thought we would gather and eat dandelion greens. So for supper last night, Josiah and I picked some dandelion greens to eat. The early spring ones are very tasty and nutricious.
My mother and sister, Sarah, are out here on a visit from BC. It is lovely to have them here for a visit. They enjoyed the meal with us which included: chili, salad and cornbread.
And here is the dandelion salad which was delicious.. It was full of dandelion greens, lettuce, avocado, tomato, cheese, tortilla chips and homemade dressing. Next I want to try frying up some dandelion greens in a bit of olive oil with garlic and sea salt. See, lawn weeds are very useful :)
yummy :-)