Tim has graduated with his Masters in Business (MBA)! After two years of studying hard at the University of New Brunswick (UNB) he is finished.
Here he is after having recieved a special award for having the second highest GPA of his graduating class (4.1 GPA)! Way to go Babe!!!
Samuel and I, my mother and Tim's parents were on hand to see Tim graduate.
Here is everyone in the auditorium. All the people in the middle were graduating either with B.A.s or Masters. This was one of three graduating ceremonies. Altogether the ceremony was several hours long. Tim is one the other side.
Tim waiting to go onto to the stage to get his diploma. He was very stoked! (It was not this dark at all- my flash was just having issues).
Tim recieving his diploma and being "hooded" (lol, is that what it is called?) by the Dean of UNB.
Samuel with Grandma! This is my mom who was over from BC for a wonderful three week visit.
After the ceremony out in the sunshine.
I am so proud my husband! He worked very hard for all this. He is very smart and good-looking too :)
Wow! That is excellent. Congratulations Tim!